4 Reasons Why A Fake Wireless Portable Charger Is A Risk

The evolution of technology is really fast. Within a decade, we witnessed how gigantic speakers and amplifier setups transform into tiny Bluetooth speakers. The wired earphones soon followed by losing their wires. Now we have a wireless portable charger that allows you to charge your phone without plugging in a charger cable.
But dubious manufacturers are quite speedy, too, in producing low-quality knockoffs of the best wireless charger in Singapore. And it is alarming because some of the manufacturers can release knockoffs super identical appearance-wise to the originals. If you are not paying closer attention, you might be a victim of the fake charger.
Here are the risks of using a fake wireless charger:
- Lacks safety features
Reputable manufacturers ensure safety features in their 3 in 1 wireless charger models. It is to ensure that the product is safe to use and will not harm or injure the user.
However, many fake ones lack these safety features. Some products don’t even undergo testing before distributing them in the market. The result? The product may explode or catch fire while in use.
- Below standards
Before its release in the market, reputable wireless portable charger manufacturers underwent rigorous tests implemented by governing bodies. If they fail the tests and assessments, the product may not hit the market. Those that pass the tests will get the seal of certification.
Fake ones don’t undergo these assessments because they are, in the first place, illegal. Their products will not meet the standards as well. What they do is copy the certification seals to mask their fakeness.
- It may destroy your phone
You should only use phone accessories compatible with your smartphones. Using something not compatible, especially a fake and low-quality 3 in 1 wireless charger, can damage your phone. How?
Some charges supply your smartphone with the wrong electricity voltage, damaging your phone batteries. In some cases, the smartphone explodes due to an oversupply of electricity.
- Risk of fire and combusting
A handful of house fire cases blame fake chargers as the culprit behind the disaster. As mentioned, there some chargers catch fire due to incompetent wiring plus an electricity surcharge. It sometimes causes the phone to combust, which can lead to a fire if neglected.
Be cautious with fake chargers. Beware of too-good-to-be-true charger prices because they are likely to be counterfeit. Only trust the best and most genuine wireless charger in Singapore.
Energea provides high-quality wireless portable charger models in Singapore. Visit Energea today.