5 Natural Ways to Manage Your High Blood Pressure

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High blood pressure (also known as hypertension) is a symptomless “silent killer” that destroys blood vessels without causing any symptoms and can lead to major health problems.

If you have high blood pressure, changing your lifestyle can help you lower your blood pressure levels and lower your risk of stroke, heart disease, kidney disease, and other complications. Visit Cary Generations Family Practice for high blood pressure evaluation and recommendations about lifestyle changes that will improve your quality of life.

Here are lifestyle changes you can implement to lower your blood pressure;

  1.   Lose weight

As people gain weight, their blood pressure frequently rises. Being overweight can also induce sleep apnea, which further elevates your blood pressure.

One of the most beneficial lifestyle adjustments for managing blood pressure is weight loss. If you are overweight or obese, losing even a tiny amount of weight can help lower your blood pressure. Typically, each kilogram (2.2 pounds) of weight you lose lowers your blood pressure by roughly 1 millimeter of mercury (mm Hg).

Aside from losing weight, you should watch your waistline. Having excessive weight around your waist might increase your blood pressure risk.

  1.   Quit smoking

Smoking makes your blood pressure rise. When you stop smoking, your blood pressure returns to normal. Quitting smoking can help you live longer and improve your overall health. People who give up smoking may live longer than those who do not.

  1.   Reduce stress

 Chronic stress can cause high blood pressure. If you respond to stress by consuming unhealthy foods, drinking alcohol, or smoking, it might lead to high blood pressure.

Take some time to reflect on what makes you stressed, such as your job, relationships, finances, or sickness. After you know what’s generating your stress, think about how you can remove or lessen it.

Try mind-body activities like tai chi and yoga to lower your stress level. In addition, listening to peaceful music or composing music can also aid stress relief.

  1.   Maintain a balanced diet

If you have high blood pressure, eating a diet rich in fruits, whole grains, vegetables, and low-fat dairy products while avoiding saturated fat and cholesterol can reduce your blood pressure. In addition, reduce the intake of salt, carbohydrates, caffeine, and alcohol.

  1.   Exercise regularly

Exercise is the perfect complement to a healthy diet. If you exercise and eat a nutritious diet, you will most likely lose weight.   If you have high blood pressure, doctors recommend exercising for at least half an hour every day. The results can be significant, with blood pressure decreases ranging from 4 to 9 points.

 Remember that exercising does not necessarily mean going to the gym. It might be washing your vehicle, gardening, or cleaning around the house. However, activities that raise your heart rate, such as walking, dancing, running, cycling, and swimming, are the best to lower your blood pressure.

Making lifestyle changes is an excellent way to manage your high blood pressure. However, you should also visit your doctor regularly and take prescription medications to help maintain and lower your blood pressure.

 If you are dealing with high blood pressure, visit your doctor for evaluation and treatment to help you lower and maintain your blood pressure.