Four Things You Should Not Do If You are Pursuing a Workers’ Compensation Claim in Cedar Rapids

If you have an active workers’ compensation claim, you must avoid behaviors that can compromise your case while you are being investigated by an insurance company. If you make mistakes, you might not be able to fully recover compensation for your work-related injuries. Also, it is important to work with a Cedar Rapids workers’ comp lawyer to know your legal options and get advice on the steps you must take to succeed in your claim. By having an attorney on your side, you can avoid making the following mistakes:
Not Reporting Your Injury to Your Employer
Right after you suffered an on-the-job injury, you must report it to your employer. In the state of Iowa, you must report the injury within 90 days of suffering from it to get workers’ comp benefits. Apart from speaking with your employer and giving a verbal notification, you also have to complete a written report.
Not Telling Your Doctor the Details of Your Injury
When you file a workers’ compensation claim, you must know what you should not say to your doctor during your consultation. For instance, you must not tell your doctor that you feel fine or okay. This does not detail how your injury affects you. Rather, you must be as detailed about your injury as possible. Also, you must give your doctor details regarding your medical history.
Lying About the Injury and the Symptoms You Suffer From
Sometimes, workers’ comp claimants may fake some symptoms or indicate their injuries are more serious than they are. However, this can only compromise your workers’ compensation claim. When an insurance company, your employer, or your doctor discovers that you are lying about your injury or symptoms, you may be denied the compensation you need.
Remember that workers’ comp physicians will perform several tests to properly diagnose your injuries. Thus, they can determine whether you are being honest about your condition.
Failing to Follow the Prescribed Medical Treatment
You must follow the advice of your doctor to avoid ruining your claim. For instance, you must take any medication they prescribe to help you recover from your injuries. Also, you need to attend your follow-up appointments. Through follow-up tests and therapies, you may be able to fully recover and prevent complications that could occur when you do not continue treatment. Discontinuing your treatment could look bad to your employer and their insurance company and they may think you don’t need workers’ compensation benefits.