Types of Chronic wounds

Chronic wounds are injuries that do not follow the normal phase of healing. Increased bacterial load, poor blood circulation, infection, or lack of treatment can cause chronic wounds. If your wound takes more than eight weeks without any signs of healing, it is considered chronic. They can lead to emotional and physical stress.

 Although some chronic wounds can take time to heal or never heal, your trusted physician, Dr. Ashley Huddleston Fort Worth, can help you treat and manage them. All damages start as acute, but specific injuries are likely to become chronic. Chronic wounds are classified based on cause, and they include:

Infectious wounds

When you have an infection that is not treated correctly, it can lead to a chronic wound. Infectious wounds are dangerous as the infection can spread to your blood and travel to different body parts. They present with a foul odor, pus, drainage, dead tissue, inflammation, debris, and fever. If you experience such symptoms, take immediate medical care as they can lead to severe complications like amputation.

Ischemic wounds

Ischemic wounds result from the insufficient blood supply. When your injury lacks enough blood supply, it will not get sufficient oxygen and nutrients. Lack of these components will alter the healthy healing process leading to a chronic wound. The weakened pulse, which causes the wound area to become cold and pale, is a common symptom of an ischemic wound.

Surgical wounds

After surgery, you will be left with wounds from incisions. If you take good care of the cuts, they will heal without incident. Improper care alters sufficient blood supply leading your wound to a chronic stage and can cause severe problems. Chronic surgical wounds appear hot, swollen, and reddish. Surgical wounds need good care.

Radiation poisoning wounds

Radiation poisoning wounds result from therapeutic or accidental radiation. Due to prolonged exposure, your immune system can weaken, leading to delayed healing and chronic wounds. In cases of severe radiation poisoning, the exposed tissue will be damaged, and this needs emergency care. Slight blistering accompanied by itching or inflammation are the common symptoms of chronic radiation poisoning wounds.

Diabetic foot ulcers

Diabetic ulcers occur when you poorly manage your diabetes condition. The ulcers can be accompanied by loss of sensation in your lower extremities and foot tissue breakdown. Sometimes you may not notice the ulcers due to a loss of sensation. If your doctor does not treat them appropriately, they can lead to partial or total amputation of your foot or leg. To prevent severe problems, ensure you regularly inspect your feet for any signs of ulcer development.

Arterial ulcers

Arterial ulcers commonly occur when there is insufficient blood supply in your lower extremities. Poor blood supply leads to tissue damage and oxygen deprivation. Arterial ulcers mainly develop between the toes, on top of the toes, or along the outer ankle. Vascular disease, obesity, and high blood pressure are the risk factors for arterial ulcers. If left untreated, they can lead to permanent damage.

Chronic wounds can be hectic for you and your doctor. Therefore ensure you get treatment from a reliable specialist and follow a management plan to promote quick healing. Schedule an appointment at Wound Evolution for chronic wound treatment to end the burdensome of your condition.