5 Straightforward Tips To Avoid Plantar Warts

Plantar warts are far more prevalent than you may imagine. According to some estimates, one out of every ten Americans has them. Besides, even if you do not struggle with Mission Viejo warts today, you may recall having them when you were younger. Luckily for you, you may take several basic preventative measures to dramatically minimize your risk of developing warts or proliferating your preexisting warts. Read on to discover a handful of the most crucial proactive suggestions.
- Avoid Walking About Barefoot
Plantar warts result from specific strains of the Human papillomavirus (HPV). These HPV variants like warm, damp environments, from which they can propagate through indirect contact with different surfaces. To safeguard yourself, always wear, at the very minimum, a pair of flip-flops if you are utilizing public spaces such as gyms, showers, pools, locker rooms, etc., minimizing touch with the HPV. Moreover, it lowers your chances of developing minor scrapes and cuts through which the virus can enter your body.
- Maintain Your Feet Dry And Clean
Clean your feet with disinfecting soap every day or right after being in a public area with a higher risk of HPV infection. Likewise, do not allow your feet to get wet throughout the day. Once the skin is damp, it is significantly more vulnerable to harm.
Regrettably, plantar wart viruses do not require a huge opening as they can infiltrate the body even through tiny, scarcely visible weak places. Wear breathable shoes and quick-drying socks, and if they happen to dampen throughout the day, replace them with a new pair.
- Avoid Sharing Particular Items
Clothing, nail and skin care equipment, and other objects that may get into touch with warts or possibly contaminated skin must not be shared. These personal-sensitive items include towels, razors, shoes and socks, nail clippers, etc.
- Avoid Touching Warts
While warts can spread by indirect contact, it is important to remember that they can spread via direct contact. Avoid picking or touching your warts as this may extend warts to your hand or any other body part you touch thereafter. If you need to touch your warts directly, ensure you wash your hands well with disinfectant soap right away.
- Cover Up Your Warts
Simply covering existing warts with a non-medicated, clean athletic tape or bandage will help to prevent them from multiplying or spreading. Once covered, the warts are far less likely to spread to other areas through touch with your shoes, socks, hands, and other items. What’s more, covering your warts offers a tiny amount of additional padding, reducing any unpleasantness you could be experiencing from standing on it.
Plantar warts are not the most troubling foot concern, but there is a reason they are so frequent and spread very quickly. As such, addressing this concern early on serves as both a preventative and proactive care approach. While some warts might disappear with time, others might fail to correct despite your best at-home care techniques. Thus, it is best to talk to a professional. At Aloha Foot and Ankle Associates, you can access the best in podiatry care from some of the region’s most reputable foot and ankle specialists. Schedule a consultation today through mobile or book online to discuss your concerns and explore your care options.