Compelling Reasons Why You Should Lose Extra Weight

Whether your goal is to lose 10 or 50 pounds, shedding extra pounds can be tough. Weight loss does not occur immediately; it is a gradual process that requires commitment. If you are overweight and at risk of health problems, medical weight loss Houston can help attain your weight-loss goals. Fortunately, you don’t necessarily need to lose much weight to experience health benefits. Losing as little as 5% to 10% of your body weight can reduce your risk of health problems such as hypertension and high cholesterol. Read on to learn about the health benefits of losing extra weight.
Improved heart health
Losing weight reduces pressure in your arteries, meaning your heart does not have to work so hard to pump blood throughout your body. Weight loss also reduces low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels – the bad cholesterol that elevates your risk of heart disease. Whether you lose weight through diet and exercise or weight-loss surgery, you will reap the benefits regardless.
Reduced risk of certain cancers
Excess body weight is thought to be the cause of certain cancers like endometrial cancer, kidney cancer, breast cancer, liver cancer, and pancreatic cancer. It is unclear how excess weight and cancer are linked, but experts believe that inflammation due to visceral fat is to blame.
Better sleep
You may not realize your weight’s effect on your sleep quality. Being overweight increases your risk of obstructive sleep apnea – a potentially life-threatening disorder characterized by disrupted breathing while sleeping. Excess weight increases fat deposits in your neck, obstructing your airways and vibrating as you inhale, causing snoring. If you have sleep apnea, losing weight won’t likely cure the condition, but it can reduce the severity of your symptoms.
Boost your energy
As mentioned above, weight loss can improve your sleep, making you feel more energized during the day. Excess weight also means that your body uses more energy to move, but shedding some pounds allows you to move easily. Weight loss also improves your respiratory function, making you feel more energized.
Helps regulate blood sugar
An increase in adipose tissue due to excess body fat causes inflammation, interfering with insulin function. Insulin is the hormone produced by islet cells in your pancreas to regulate blood sugar. But when you lose weight, adipose tissue reduces, allowing your body to manage blood sugar more effectively. You don’t have to lose much weight to see the results; even a 5% reduction in body weight can improve your blood sugar levels.
Reduced joint pain
Excess weight places additional stress on your joints, causing the cartilage to wear down quickly; the result is pain and stiffness in the joint. However, losing extra weight takes some of the weight off your joints, resulting in less pain and improved joint function.
Higher self-esteem
There is no direct correlation between weight loss and self-esteem, but research has found consistent improvements in self-worth and general well-being among weight loss subjects. If you are not confident in your body due to being overweight, you will likely gain confidence as you shed extra pounds.
If you are overweight, consult your doctor at Reveal Med Spa to learn how you can benefit from medical weight loss.