Everything You Need to Know About Treating Asthma in West Los Angeles

Most children today suffer from asthma and require ongoing medical care. Asthma is basically a lung disease and has affected the lives of almost 25 million people in the United States. Without proper management, it can even become life-threatening. For asthma west los angeles management information, head to the website.

What is an asthma attack:

An asthma attack is basically a condition in which the airways of one’s lungs undergo bronchospasm suddenly, which causes them to constrict and narrow. Along with this, inflammation, mucus production, and reduced airflow are also very common. When a person is having an asthma attack, they most commonly wheeze and make rapid breathing sounds. Asthma attacks are also sometimes known as exacerbations and flare-ups.

Different types of asthma:

There can be many types of asthma, and this is typically divided based on the factors that led to it and the nature of the symptoms. Some of the common types are:

    • Intermittent: The attacks can fluctuate.
    • Persistent: These attacks are consistent. However, the intensity can vary.
    • Allergic: This is triggered by allergens.
    • Non-allergic: This is caused by external factors.
    • Adult-onset: Usually happens after the age of 18
    • Pediatric: Happens before the age of 5, and children usually outgrow it with age.
    • Exercise-induced: Gets worse when one exercises.
    • Occupational: The triggers are related to work-related factors.

Two other types include chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and Asthma-COPD overlap syndrome (ACOS), and in both cases, the person will have breathing difficulties. 

Who is at risk?

While it is true that people of any age can get asthma, there are some risk factors. For example, people who have allergies or have exposure to tobacco smoke are more prone to asthma. In addition, women as well as black people are more likely to have asthma compared to men or other racial groups. 

What are the common triggers?

When people are aware of what triggers their asthma attacks, it makes it easier for them to manage it. So, when it comes to asthma, some of the common triggers include air pollution (like factory emissions, car exhaust, and wildfire smoke), dust mites, exercise, mold, pests (cockroaches, mice), pet dander, tobacco smoke, strong chemicals or odors, and specific workplace exposures (such as cleaning products, dust, or chemicals). 

Final thoughts:

If you or a loved one shows the symptoms of asthma but is not sure what triggers it, get in touch with a doctor in West LA right away.