Here Are 5 Things You Need To Know About Your Thyroid

If you have never had a thyroid issue or know somebody who has, you likely do not give the little gland in your neck a second thought. Yet, your thyroid health is vital to your overall health and could significantly impact how you feel on a regular. According to the American Thyroid Association, up to 60% of persons with thyroid illness are unaware that something is amiss. For expert diagnosis and care of thyroid issues in Texas, thyroid imbalances, Bastrop specialist Pompeyo Chavez, MD, is the place to be. Continue reading to learn more about this hormone-generating gland that controls your metabolism and affects virtually every cell in your body.
1) The Little Yet Powerful Gland Sets The Body’s Tempo
Shaped like a butterfly, the thyroid gland sits immediately below your Adam’s apple on the front of the lower neck. Although the thyroid is only 2 inches in diameter, it plays a critical part in controlling your mood and how your body functions.
Like other glands in your body, the thyroid’s principal function is to produce hormones. More precisely, thyroid hormones control how the body consumes energy. They influence how quickly or slowly numerous areas of the body perform. If there is excessive thyroid hormone or insufficient, it impacts your heartbeat, how your muscles function, digestive system metabolizes food, and the brain responds to various receptors.
2) Thyroid Illness Is Prevalent
Thyroid illness affects approximately 20 million Americans. It could strike at any age, though females are 5-8 times more likely than males to acquire it. The reason for this condition varies. Nonetheless, the most prevalent cause is Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, an autoimmune disease whereby the immune system targets the body’s own healthy cells, causing the thyroid to become underactive.
Other common reasons for thyroid dysfunction include thyroid nodules, thyroid cancer, and Grave’s illness. Moreover, your thyroid functionality could also be harmed by some drugs or viruses.
3) Thyroid Glands Could Be Overactive Or Underactive
The thyroid produces insufficient hormone when underactive, a disease known as hypothyroidism. Contrarily, when the thyroid is overactive, it releases excessive thyroid hormone, a condition known as hyperthyroidism. This thyroid imbalance could result in adverse symptoms, including:
Hypothyroidism: unexplained weight gain, fatigue, constipation, depression, and cold sensitivity.
Hyperthyroidism: difficulty concentrating, difficulty sleeping, weight loss, irritability, heat sensitivity, hand tremors, and heat sensitivity.
4) Therapy Is Extremely Successful
What makes thyroid concerns quite a bother is that most conditions go undiagnosed. People often mistake them for other health issues, leaving the root concern unaddressed. Nonetheless, thyroid imbalance could be effectively addressed once it has been detected. Treatment options include medications, nutritional advice, dietary enhancements, stress management, and supplements.
5) What Do Nodules Mean?
Thyroid nodules are masses found in the thyroid gland. They might be discovered via a diagnostic test such as an ultrasound or felt during a routine examination. Up to 50% of persons above 60 years have nodules. Though the majority of nodules are benign, some could be malignant.
In the last few decades, the number of patients identified with thyroid cancer has drastically risen. Considering that it is pretty easy to address this type of cancer, you should never dismiss nodules till your doctor says so. Based on its nature, your provider may even suggest regular monitoring.
Have you recently felt more tired than usual or struggled with your weight? If so, an imbalanced thyroid is to blame. Regardless of your thyroid concern, family medicine practitioner Dr. Pompeyo Chavez and his staff at Premier Family Physicians can help restore your general wellness by restoring balance in your thyroid. Call the office or use the online scheduling tool to arrange an appointment today.