How Can Hysteroscopy Help Solve Problems in the Uterus?

Chapter 36 – Overview of Hysteroscopy – Melaka FertilityWomen’s reproductive roles involve specific and heavy demands on their reproductive systems. Maintaining health needs similar specialized diagnostic techniques. Naturally, the uterus acts as the center of your reproductive function, and maintaining its health throughout the years you can conceive is essential for your overall well-being.


A specialized hysteroscopy treatment is designed to help diagnose and treat uterine disorders. The therapy enables a gynecologist to observe the interior of the uterus and, if necessary, carry out specific procedures using a lighted scope-like tool called a hysteroscope. If you are suffering from uterine abnormalities, contact gen 5 fertility center


How can hysteroscopy help solve problems in the uterus?


Perhaps the most frequent reason for a hysteroscope examination is abnormal uterine bleeding. This may include period cycles that are heavier than normal or bleeding in between periods, both of which can be brought on by benign uterine growths such as fibroids and polyps.


A hysteroscopy may be conducted on women who have experienced several miscarriages to identify the cause of the nonviable pregnancies. Furthermore, hysteroscopy can find misplaced intrauterine devices (IUDs) and remove scar tissue that may have formed due to prior operations or infections. During hysteroscopy, fallopian tube blocks can be inserted as a permanent form of birth control.


What to expect from a hysteroscopy?


A hysteroscopy might be delayed or prohibited by a few factors. If you are pregnant, the surgical procedure is not allowed. Your procedure could start with an examination to ensure no obstructions for the hysteroscopy, such as a bloated bladder, an inflammatory condition of the pelvis, an infected cervix, or vaginal discharge.


For your comfort, a form of sedative or anesthetic is given. Either a local or a general anesthetic can be used in hysteroscopy. Your cervix may be dilated to make it easier to insert the hysteroscope, and you might be offered a gas or liquid injection to expand the uterine walls so the inspection is easier.


Post-hysteroscopy recovery


Your recovery right after the treatment depends mostly on the anesthetic used. If a general anesthetic is administered during the procedure, you will be monitored until your vital signs return to baseline. After the procedure, you will need transportation home as the anesthetic impairs your driving ability.


Although you could suffer discomfort or bleeding after the treatment, not much further care is required. Although this is a rare consequence after hysteroscopy, severe stomach pain or abundant bleeding, particularly when associated with fever, requires rapid medical care.