Improve The Mobility of Your Child Though Pediatric Foot Care
There is always unlimited joy when a parent witnesses their child making that first step in their life. A parent is delighted when their child walks since they know the growth process is progressing as it should. However, it is essential to monitor how your child walks and identify abnormalities. Some kids may have foot abnormalities which can be displayed through improper walking patterns. Once you identify some deformities when your child is walking, you can get an experienced pediatric foot conditions New York specialist to address your child’s deformities. The deformities may develop as the child begins to walk and, if not corrected early, may affect their feet later in life. Here are some problems that children may benefit from during pediatric foot condition treatment.
Clubfoot problem usually occurs when the child’s foot is out of position and appears twisted. It is due to the shortness of the foot tendons, which causes the bone to bend based on the size of the tendons. The condition may limit the child from walking and therefore requires treatment to be executed immediately after birth to correct the problem. The condition may be due to congenital skeletal deformities or sometimes due to the mother’s lifestyle during pregnancy, such as smoking. Clubfoot may lead to arthritis if left untreated and affect posture due to abnormal walking.
Flat Feet
It is common for children to have a flat foot when they are born. You will only note the problem when standing, which disappears when they sit. However, the good thing is that children outgrow the problem with time once their bones are well formed. A child with flatfoot exhibits no other symptoms. However, a rigid flatfoot may lead to mild cramping or foot pain. While walking, the child’s foot tilts outward, and the walking style may change. A child with flatfoot may withdraw from physical activities such as running or playing football due to discomfort and pain while walking or running.
Ingrown Toenails
A child’s nail may grow into the surrounding skin and tissues, causing pain and sometimes may lead to inflammation. It is painful and may limit a child from wearing shoes. The ingrown nail causes the skin to appear red and warm and may eventually cause bacterias that lead to infections. If not treated, a child may have pus around the nail, eventually leading to bone infection. Monitoring your child and trimming the nails are required may help mitigate the ingrown toenails from developing.
Pediatric Heel Pain
Children are active through playing most of the time, which may cause pain in the heel. The overuse is due to jumping up and down and running, affecting their heels. The problem should be monitored and addressed to avoid causing more harm to the growth plate.
Your child’s health depends on how keen you are to note and act. When you note any deformities during your child’s young age, you must see a specialist to address the issue before it escalates or becomes difficult to treat at an advanced age. You should make a pediatric foot specialist a priority in your child’s life to ensure that the child enjoys the comfort of walking and playing without problems.