Sinusitis In Children: All You Need To Know About The Nasal Condition

At most often times, children tend to get sick and are more prone to infections. Because of their immature immune systems, they develop diseases and conditions of the nose, sinus, ears, throat, and overall bodily systems, especially in the first few years of their lives. The worst part is that most children cannot clearly comprehend and communicate what they honestly feel unless it is noticeable, like snoring. With the said condition, luckily, there are available snoring treatment options in Singapore. However, in some cases, such as nasal conditions, some parents mistakenly believe it is just a regular cough and colds or the flu.

As a parent, there are some conditions in children that you need to be aware of, especially during their early childhood. One of the most common involved the nose. It is also one of the parts frequently affected by viral infections and may intensify by allergies. When this remains beyond three to four days, they are highly likely to develop a severe sinus infection and may require sinusitis treatment in Singapore. To reduce the chances of sinus infections, here is all the crucial information you need to know about sinusitis.


Sinusitis, medically called rhinosinusitis, in children can look different than sinusitis in adults. Sinusitis is the feeling of inflammation and intense pain along the lining of the sinuses. The sinuses have four cavities linked by narrow channels, keeping the nose free from dirt and bacteria and cleaning it. When any of these channels get filled with fluid, bacteria can start to build up and may soon result in an infection, such as bacterial sinusitis. If your child has a cough, thick nasal drip, or suffers from smelling difficulties, consider seeking an ENT doctor and get a sinusitis treatment in Singapore.



Young children have weaker immune systems. In addition to that, their sinuses do not fully develop yet until they reach their 20s. Because most of its symptoms are subtle, determining and diagnosing paediatric sinusitis can be challenging compared to adult sinusitis. If you notice any of the following symptoms in your child, immediately seek sinusitis treatment options in Singapore.

  • A cold lasting more than a week to 14 days
  • Low- or high-grade fever
  • Stuffy nose
  • Unbearable headache, usually in children aged six to ten years old
  • Thick yellow-green drainage in the nose
  • Post-nasal drip
  • Cough
  • Sore throat
  • Bad breath
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Irritability or fatigue
  • Loss of smell
  • Swelling around the eyes

Acute viral sinusitis is likely to remain for less than ten days and doesn’t get worse. However, if it lasts more than 12 weeks and causes inflammation, it may indicate chronic sinusitis. Get a sinusitis treatment in Singaporeas early as the first symptom occurs to prevent it from worsening over time.



Most sinus infections occur after a common cold or respiratory infection. These two conditions cause swelling and blockage to the connectors of the sinuses, causing a sinus infection. Moreover, if you want to reduce the risk of sinus infections for your child, immediately treat stomach acid reflux disease and refrain from exposing them to known environmental allergies and pollutants. Some good examples of these air pollutants are tobacco smoke. Other risk factors that may require your children to get paediatric sinusitis treatment in Singapore are the following:

  • Abnormal shape or oddly-shaped nose, especially the opening or nostrils
  • Mouth or tooth infection
  • Nose injury
  • Foreign object in the nose
  • A congenital anomalywith an abnormality of the roof of the mouth, such as the cleft palate
  • Problem with stomach acids, such as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
  • Cystic fibrosis and immunodeficiency syndrome


Luckily, similar to sleep apnea in Singapore, there are available treatment options for paediatric sinusitis. As soon as you observe any changes in your child, seek your trusted healthcare provider to get an early diagnosis and treatment. An ENT doctor will then ask about their symptoms, provide a physical exam, or perform various tests, such as:

  • Sinus X-rays. This imaging test utilises a radiation machine to help visualise the tiniest details of the sinuses.
  • CT scan of the sinuses. Another way to diagnose sinusitis is through a CT scan. This imaging test shows the obstruction of the sinuses and is more detailed than X-rays.
  • Cultures from the sinuses. The last way to diagnose sinusitis in children is through nasal drips. The healthcare provider would take a swab of their nasal discharge and use it to check for bacteria or other germs.


Unfortunately, the sinusitis treatment options in Singaporecan vary on some factors, including the symptoms your child suffered from, the severity of their sinus infection, age, and general health. They can either get treated by the following:


For acute sinusitis, the treatment in Singaporecan be through medicine prescriptions, as this type can get better and heal on its own, around a week or ten days. But if it doesn’t restore their health in less than a week, their ENT doctor can recommend:

  • Antibiotics. These medications can help kill the bacteria developing in their sinuses. It could help better their health in less than three days. If not, their healthcare provider may prescribe a different antibiotic.
  • Allergy medicines. Antihistamines can also be a treatment option to help reduce swelling in the sinuses.


Unfortunately, chronic sinusitis is more severe than acute. It may require any or all of the following sinusitis treatment options in Singapore:

  • Antibiotics. Your child may need to take antibiotics for a longer time, unlike acute, where it only takes less than two days to recover.
  • Inhaled corticosteroid medicine. Another sinusitis treatment option in Singapore is through nasal sprays or drops. These corticosteroid inhalers come with steroids to help alleviate the symptoms.
  • Immunotherapy. If your child has nasal allergies, allergy shots may help reduce their reaction to triggers, such as fibre, dust mites, pollen, animal dander, or mould.
  • Other medicines, such as antihistamines, nasal sprays with decongestants, saline sprays, or mucus-clearing medicines
  • Surgery. Surgery for chronic sinusitis is the last option, but it is not done very often in children unless their infection develops into a more severe condition.

The Bottom Line

As parents, knowing how to address what your child goes through, suffers from, or needs is crucial. There are some instances where they may not clearly communicate what they feel. At these times, it is necessary to get help from a healthcare professional. For sinus infections in children, you must get sinusitis treatment in Singaporeas soon as the first symptom occurs or when you notice any changes in them. If your child has allergic rhinitis or any nasal conditions, keep them away from things that can trigger their symptoms and affect their sinuses.

For sinus treatment options, sleeping concerns, ear wax removal services in Singapore, and other ENT conditions, talk to Dr Dennis Chua. Contact them today at (65) 6235 3886 or drop by their site to schedule an appointment!