When Should You Consider Endodontic Treatment?

Your pulp consists of connective tissue, blood vessels, and nerves that assist in the growth of your teeth. However, an injury may damage your pulp, leading to inflammation and infection. Therefore, undergoing a root canal saves your teeth and helps preserve your tooth structure. Suppose you want to have this endodontic procedure, Wenli Loo is your specialist to remove the damaged pulp and address the problems that come along with a damaged pulp. While it may take weeks to get the normal feel of your teeth after a root canal, you will not regret choosing this treatment.
Why Would You Need A Root Canal?
You may develop an injury that damages your pulp, causing it to get infected and inflamed. After the injury, your tooth crown may stay intact, but your pulp may die. Therefore removing the dead pulp helps to save your teeth’ structure. Other reasons for an injured pulp may include untreated cavity-causing deep decay, chipping and cracking of the teeth, and several dental procedures on one tooth. A damaged pulp may cause symptoms like pain, swelling, and heat sensations in your gums. After a thorough examination, your doctor may refer you to an endodontist to schedule you for a root canal.
What Happens During A Root Canal?
Typically, this procedure will happen in a dental office where your doctor will help you get ready and comfortable for treatment. Your treatment will likely happen in three steps that include the following.
Administering Anesthesia
Your doctor will begin by placing a numbing medication near the injured tooth on your gums. You will then wait till the medication takes effect before your doctor injects local anesthesia. You may experience burning sensations and sharp pain, but they will disappear quickly.
Pulp Removal
Your doctor will make an incision at the top of your injured tooth to expose the damaged pulp. Carefully, your doctor will remove it using files and clean out all the canals in your tooth. You will not feel anything because you will be under anesthesia.
Antibiotics and Temporary Filling
Your doctor will then use a topical antibiotic to coat the area after removing the pulp to reduce the risk of reinfection. Your doctor will seal the tooth with gutta-percha and give you a prescription for oral antibiotics. The procedure will end with your dentist filling the top of your tooth with a sealant to prevent your canals from damage.
What Can You Expect After Root Canal?
After treatment, you may likely feel sore in your gums and also experience swelling. Your dentist will prescribe OTC medications to relieve pain and its symptoms. Meanwhile, you may need to stop chewing on your treated tooth until your doctor places a permanent crown.
LivWell Dentistry offers endodontics to take out infected and damaged pulp to lower the risk of reinfections and further complications. The facility offers a comfortable environment where they can meet your medical needs. You can ask questions and raise any bothersome concerns you may have. Visit the facility today to start your treatment. You can also book an online appointment at the convenience of your location.