When to use CBD in dogs

Research which is done on the CBD and on humans brings out that it might be quite effective in treating anxiety, epilepsy, IBD – irritable bowel disease, as well as chronic pain. But according to CBD oil For Dogs UK, there are only a few studies which can be relied on about the effects that CBD has on dogs.
According to one study, it sort to assess the anti-inflammatory properties, safety, and the anti-pain properties that the CBD oil has when used in dogs that had osteoarthritis. As per the research, it gave dogs doses of 2 milligrams per kg of their body weight.
About 80% of the dogs which got it showed some improvement in mobility and pain, as measured by two sources of veterinary. But, it is necessary to point out that, it is a study, which was funded by a producer of the CBD and thus, chances are that, the results might be biased.
In 2019, it was found out in a study that, dogs which were epileptic that were given CBD to add to their medication for seizure reduced the seizures significantly than the ones which received only the seizure medication and the placebo.
But similar numbers of the dogs in both the CBD group as well as the placebo group were able to respond to the treatment and had seizure activity decrease. According to the author of the report, it was recommended to have more testing before any definite conclusion was reached at. While the studies and similar ones might give a window into the medicinal potential of the CBD for the dogs, there is a need to confirm the research.
Ways of giving CBD to the dogs
The CBD for pets do come in many ways, like oils, treats, and the creams. But the research when it comes to the efficacy of every method tends to be sparse. On dogs which have epilepsy, it was found that the CBD oil that is administered orally was effective more than the gel or cream. But there is a need for more research before a conclusion can be made.
The amount given to a dog
A 2018 dog with osteoarthritis study showed that the dose which was most effective for increase the dogs’ activity and comfort levels was about 2mg for every kg of their weight. But since the study might be biased, and the various data on CBD dosage of dogs being sparse, this should not be looked at as a recommendation for dosing for the dogs
Each dog is likely to respond in a different manner, which is the reason why it is necessary to start with a small dosage, monitoring the results of the pet and adjusting from there. Majority of the products tend to provide suggestions for dosing, but you have to always remember that, they are developed by a manufacturer and thus, could just be a marketing gimmick.
Because CBD is not regulated, there is no way of telling how much is good for each dog as every dog has unique needs.