5 Common Reasons To Visit The Emergency Room

Nobody loves the thought of visiting the emergency room. Nevertheless, there are situations when doing so is the best option for your health and wellness. Though certain symptoms might not seem urgent, they could indicate a more serious underlying problem that demands prompt attention. In this post, the physicians at St. Michael’s Elite Hospital outline five key indicators that it is time to visit the emergency room. Continue reading to learn more.
1) Dizziness Or Serious Headaches
A terrible headache could indicate various problems, such as a motion disorder, inner ear condition, or an unanticipated pharmaceutical reaction. Besides, it might indicate that you are having a stroke, which occurs whenever the blood supply to your brain is disrupted or entirely cut off.
Stroke-related migraines are far more severe than regular headaches. These are frequently associated with dizziness, loss of consciousness, vomiting, as well as excruciating discomfort.
Additional symptoms include:
- Speech or communication difficulties
- Vision problems in one or both eyes
- Feeling numb in your leg, arm, or face
- Having difficulty walking
Pursue therapy right away if you are exhibiting symptoms of a stroke, as it could trigger brain damage and other complications. Your emergency room will ensure that you access the appropriate treatment to safeguard your health.
2) Chest or Upper Abdominal Pain
There are numerous reasons for chest pain. Nonetheless, a heart attack is one of the most significant concerns. A heart attack develops once the heart does not receive sufficient blood. With time, this insufficient blood supply destroys the heart muscle, culminating in a heart attack.
One of the most typical signs of a heart attack is chest discomfort or pain. This discomfort can be felt in the left side or center of the chest and can linger for several minutes or be recurring. The discomfort is frequently described as fullness, squeezing, or unpleasant pressure and is often associated with breathing difficulties, which may develop even before you start suffering chest discomfort.
3) Lower Abdominal Discomfort
An issue with either of your vital organs situated at the midsection of your body could trigger sudden abdominal discomfort. Often, this pain might indicate acute appendicitis, which occurs whenever the appendix becomes obstructed from the inside. These blockages may occur for various reasons, such as a digestive tract infection or stool caught between the colon and appendix.
If the appendix ruptures, it might trigger various life-threatening consequences as stool and mucus leak into your abdominal cavity to cause a condition known as peritonitis. Without therapy, this can cause swelling in the inner lining of your abdomen wall, resulting in blood infection, organ failure, or even fatality.
4) Breathing Problems
Most causes of shortness of breath are linked to lung or heart disorders since these two organs are key in carrying oxygen and eliminating carbon dioxide across your body. As such, problems with one of these organs could significantly impact your breathing ability, often resulting in shortness of breath.
Drastic breathing difficulties could have various triggers, including:
- Asthma
- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
- Embolism of the lungs
- Carbon monoxide poisoning
If you experience abrupt breathing difficulties, visit your local emergency room right away; It is generally an indication of something more dangerous that needs prompt medical attention. Your physician will address your symptoms and determine the inherent reason for your concerns to ensure that you obtain the care you require.
5) Bleeding Uncontrollably
It is normal to scrap yourself while shaving occasionally. However, uncontrollable bleeding is entirely different. For example, a nosebleed that persists for more than an hour could warrant an emergency room visit. Additionally, you should talk to your emergency room physician if you observe blood in unlikely places, such as your vomit or stool.
If you are on blood thinners, you should be extra cautious if you begin bleeding since blood thinners disrupt blood’s natural capacity to clot. As a result, wounds that can generally be treated with a bandage become significantly more difficult to heal. If you are taking blood thinners, consult your doctor about the risks of bleeding and other issues.
If you have any of the above-mentioned symptoms, do not wait to go to the emergency department. At the emergency room in Sugar Land, TX, you will meet a team of compassionate professionals who are always stand-by to help you protect your health. Whether you need an ultrasound, urinalysis, X-ray, or other emergency room service, your doctor can help. Arrange an appointment today through mobile or book online.