Best Easy to Play Solitaire Games that Boost Your Mental Strength

Playing indoor games is an ambiguous part of every child.

FACT: Nearly 97% of kids play at least one hour every day in the United States of America.

Playing online games has become common in kids as they have a good option over outdoor games. However, not all online games are good to play. Before moving ahead to know the top online games that improve your mental strength, it’s essential to know why playing online games is good.

Builds Never Give Up Spirit: How many of you quit playing a game after a few losses. Well, most of you continue playing a game until you invest your significant time. This doesn’t include quitting the game when you lose. Instead, in case of defeat, you take the next try as a challenge and put your maximum efforts to turn it into a victory. This is the best example of building the ‘Never Give Up’ spirit.

Boost Your Mental Power: It’s tough to excel your mental strength until you include it in complex activities. Numerous mind-specific games (like Sudoku) are available online that helps you indulge your mind in tough and challenging situations. These mental workouts help you grow your mental strength.

Invest Time in Productive Activities: Every parent wants their kid to invest time in productive activities. Playing online games is one such activity that you can add to your daily routine.

Now, numerous online games are available to play, solitaire being the favorite one of kids. But, which are good to play? Here we are providing you five top online games that you can play to boost your mental strength.

Solitaire: It is one of the card games that is challenging and involves most of your mental power. You can play it to enhance your mental capabilities and make it sharper. You can play it at, where you can read about the game and its rules before starting and enjoying it.

Spider Solitaire: If you are a kid of the 90s, you would easily remember the game Spider Solitaire. It is one of the common games that kids of that era used to play a lot. As the name suggests, it is also a card game but has slightly different rules than standard Solitaire.

Mahjong Solitaire: This is a matching cards game where total of 144 tiles (cards) are organized. You need to create the pair and end this game in the shortest time possible. In this game, total 36 cards are used 4 times to make the game easier yet confusing.

Hidden Object Games: Numerous online games are also available that require keen concentration and helps you develop one. Hidden object games are some of them. China Temple, Circus Adventure, Hidden Kitchen, Hidden Princess, etc., are some of the popular names that you would definitely love to play and enhance your mental power.

Various other games are also available online, which you can play for mental exercise. Do let me know which of the above-listed games is your favorite and what’s the reason behind it?