The 3 Basic Types of Telescopes

Telescopes are the most complex instruments that can be found in modern astronomy. They can be used to study the Universe, our Solar System, and even the Earth itself. The main goal of telescopes is to increase the angular resolution of an image as much as possible. This means that we want to make images as small as possible by reducing their size. We achieve this by increasing the size of our telescope’s mirror or lens. The larger these instruments are, the better they work at magnifying distant objects. A telescope is an optical device that makes distant objects appear magnified.
There are three basic types of telescopes UK :
Reflector Telescopes
Refracting Telescopes
Catadioptric Telescopes
Reflector Telescopes: A reflector telescope uses a mirror instead of a lens to gather light. The reflection captures more light than the refraction process used in a refracting telescope. This allows the reflector to collect more light, which makes it easier to see faint objects in space. The reflecting mirrors can focus light onto a flat surface or they can be curved to give the observer an unobstructed view at all angles. The mirrors must be made of metal because glass will not function properly in space due to extreme temperatures and pressure changes, which would cause it to crack or shatter into pieces.
Refracting Telescopes
The simplest type of telescope is the refracting telescope. It has two lenses, one at each end of the tube. The larger lens is called a primary mirror and the smaller one is called an eyepiece.
Light enters the telescope through an opening at one end called an objective lens port. It passes through this lens, then reflects off another mirror inside the tube and comes out through another objective lens port at the other end of the tube (see diagram). This second objective lens focuses it onto a small secondary mirror inside the tube, which reflects it again and sends it through another eyepiece where you can see it magnified as an image. A third objective lens on top provides additional magnification if needed and helps focus light from faint objects onto your retina more efficiently than just using two lenses would do by itself. You can check Celestron Telescope for more information.
Catadioptric Telescopes
A catadioptric telescope is a combination of both reflector and refractor type telescopes into one unit. This allows for both portability and power in one package. There are two different types of catadioptric telescopes: Schmidt-Cassegrain (SCT) Cassegrain Refractor (CRC). A catadioptric telescope combines both lenses and mirrors in one device. They are usually smaller than refracting or reflecting telescopes, but they have many of their advantages too: they’re easy to transport and they can be cheaper than other types of telescopes as well! You can check Celestron Nexstar 8SE Review for more information.