Types of Family Therapy in Singapore: What You Need to Know About Them

Family therapy in Singapore offers numerous benefits to a household that has frequent problems. These solutions specifically help with issues involving mental health and the overall functionality of each member. Through this process, the family may form stronger relationships, improve communication, and learn how to manage conflicts.
Fortunately, there are several types of family therapy treatments available, depending on what a household needs. A specialist will typically stick to one process unless their clients need an approach that covers multiple forms of therapy.
In this article, you will learn about eight types of family therapy. Continue reading the article for more information.
8 Types of Family Therapy
Structural Therapy
The primary goal of this form of family therapy is to determine how individuals within a household interact with one another. The objective is that through recognising the structure of a group, it will be possible to create solutions to help strengthen them. After this, the specialist will be able to suggest which treatments and services will aid the family positively.
Strategic Therapy
This type of household fostering method in Singapore looks at patterns of interactions between family members. This therapy is all about identifying problems, creating goals, and formulating strategies to solve these issues.
Systemic Therapy
Unlike the previous family therapy methods, this approach focuses more on the perceptions and socio-cultural beliefs of each household member. These two factors play a crucial role in the family dynamic, which can lead to changes in behavioural patterns when left unchecked.
Narrative Therapy
In this method of family therapy, every member in a household, such as step families, is a storyteller. The narratives that each individual carries are essential in helping specialists form solutions to solve issues. This method attempts to separate the person from the problem which helps them have an objective view of their troubles.
Transgenerational Therapy
Some problems occurring within a household stem back through decades of history, involving past generations. This method attempts to study bygone issues, which helps the family predict future conflict. For example, children react differently to difficulties than their parents. Undergoing this family therapy treatment helps provide insight into future troubles.
Communication Therapy
As with all other social groups, communication is one of the core aspects of a household. Through this method of family therapy, a therapist assists them in strengthening their approach to communication while allowing them to develop ways to confront problems through their new skills, strategies, and perspectives.
It shouldn’t surprise anyone that some household members may develop mental health issues. Naturally, they may not have the necessary knowledge to understand their condition. Fortunately, this method of family therapy assists these individuals in learning more about their health issues. Therapists equip them with the skills to properly approach its symptoms, control their behaviour, and help them function as a family member.
On the other hand, therapists will also teach the family the necessary skills to care for an individual with a mental health illness. Remember that fostering anyone in Singapore with these conditions requires a reliable support system, similar to those with terminal diseases.
Relationship Counselling
Some couples, determined to work things out, will attempt this form of family therapy before undergoing a divorce. Issues will inevitably creep into the relationship of two individuals with each passing year. These problems can affect aspects of their life, including communication, mental health, and trust. However, this method aims to address the issues affecting them.
When to Consider Family Therapy?
Now that you are familiar with the different types of family therapy in Singapore, you may not know when to consider these treatments as a necessary solution. Listed below are some of the signs your family may need to undergo this process:
- Behavioural problems in children
- Significant changes within the family (ex. Divorce)
- Death of a family member
- Problems between parents and children
- Problems within siblings
- Significant life changes (ex. Adoption)
- Communication issues
- Trauma
Benefits of Family Therapy
Undergoing these treatments can help households, such as step families, in numerous ways. While these can be short-term solutions due to constant changes, there is no denying that they are crucial in maintaining a harmonious atmosphere within the family. The following are some of the benefits of family therapy:
- Learn the strengths and weaknesses of each family member
- Know new ways to communicate with one another
- Identifies sources of conflict
- Find solutions to problems
- Provides a venue for each family member to be open with their feelings and issues
How to Find the Right Family Therapist
However, not every family therapy specialist in Singapore has the necessary skills to help your household solve issues. Similar to how you consider multiple factors in things, such as divorce counselling, you need to allow enough time in finding the right expert appropriate for your family. Here are some tips to help you find the right therapist:
- Get referrals: Consulting your friends and relatives for their recommendations is an excellent way to find the right family therapy expert for your household. However, keep in mind that your needs may not necessarily be the same as theirs. The implication is that the therapist they find may not provide the same quality of service to you.
- Plan ahead: Before looking for family therapy experts, you need to determine your goals first. Are you looking for solutions to your concerns involving step families? Do you have concerns about your children? Figuring out your needs is crucial in helping you narrow down your choices regarding which therapist is right for you.
- Ask questions: This step is crucial, especially when meeting with a family therapy specialist for the first time. The questions you ask can determine whether they have sufficient skills to suit your needs. Topics can vary from knowing their credentials to providing possible scenarios. Write them down on a piece of paper, if possible, to avoid forgetting them during your consultation.
Problems concerning a household require different family therapy treatments. There is no one solution for all issues. These are complex situations that can have various factors affecting them. Determining which one suits your family best requires knowing more about them. From step families to parent-child conflicts, a procedure is available for everyone that can help solve them.
If you’re looking for family therapy or fostering services in Singapore, visit PPIS for more information.