What You Need To Know About Radiofrequency Ablation

Radiofrequency ablation is a minimally invasive procedure that reduces pain by destroying nerve fibers that send pain signals to the brain. It provides pain relief to people with severe pain, especially in the arthritic joints, lower back, and neck. If you experience consistent pain and you have felt relief from nerve block injection, then you are a good candidate for radiofrequency ablation in Venice. Here is all you need to know about radiofrequency ablation.

What Is Radiofrequency Ablation?

It is a non-surgical procedure that uses heat to reduce pain transmission. Radiofrequency waves burn the nerves carrying the pain to eliminate the transmission of pain signals to the brain. Radiofrequency ablation is used to treat conditions like sacroiliitis, spondylosis, and chronic pain. It can also treat knee, back, pelvic, and peripheral nerve pain. Benefits of radiofrequency ablation include:

  •         Immediate pain relief
  •         No surgery
  •         Improved function
  •         Little to no recovery time

What Happens During A Radio Frequency Procedure?

You will first go to your doctor for an evaluation. Your doctor will then explain the radiofrequency ablation procedure in detail and the possible side effects and complications. If you have any questions, your doctor will answer them. A microelectrode is inserted to begin the process.

An IV line can be placed in the vein in your arm before performing the procedure, and anesthesia may be used to ease discomfort during a radiofrequency ablation procedure. Your doctor will keep you awake during the process to help assess the procedure correctly. Your doctor then inserts a needle in the area where you feel pain. The needle is guided to the target area with the help of X-rays.

During this process, your doctor will ask if you can feel any tingling sensation. The stimulation process helps the doctor determine if the electrode is in the perfect treatment area. After the electrode and needle placement is verified, a radiofrequency current is sent through an electrode to the tissue around, making the tissue heat.

What Happens After Treatment?

After the procedure, you can freely walk around, and you can leave the office after being monitored for a short time, but you should arrange for someone to drive you home. You can experience pain from the procedure for two weeks, but it’s due to the effects of muscle spasms or nerve ablation. You can return to doing your daily activities 72 hours after the procedure.

You can experience pain relief after ten days, although relief for some patients can be immediate. Pain relief can last more than two years, but the nerve may regrow again. Ensure you schedule a follow-up appointment with your doctor so that he can be in a position to address health concerns that can appear in the future.

Radiofrequency ablation is a safe and low-risk procedure. However, some people experience some complications and side effects from this treatment. Before the process, ensure you discuss the potential complications and side effects of this procedure with your doctor. Contact Florida Veins Center today and book an appointment to learn more about radiofrequency ablation.